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Christian Publishing for the Glory of God

Biblical Discipleship Study Guide Book

182 Pages

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16 Week Study Guide for Life Transformation!


This 16 Week Study Guide is exceptionally practical and life transforming. It is taken from the main book Biblical Discipleship: Essential Components for Attaining Spiritual Maturity. However, it is a “stand alone” book study that is designed to be used on it’s own. It’s purpose is to take the 14 core principles of discipleship and put them into practice.


Today, we have many ways of defining success in life. Some define it as being a sports hero, others as being wealthy, others as being popular and well liked, and still others as being happy. How does God define success? He defines it as being spiritually mature!


How do we become spiritually mature? There’s only one way and it’s called discipleship. However, statistics show that discipleship is in a state of crisis today! Many Christians are not growing in Christ and are stuck in the process of reaching spiritual maturity. Sadly, what discipleship meant in the time of Christ is vastly different than what it means today. Moreover, the importance Christ and the apostles gave to discipleship is also stunningly different than the importance many Christians and churches today give it.


Unlike the disciples who had much of Scripture memorized, a whopping 81% of Christians today don’t read their Bible regularly. Unlike Christ’s disciples who were “Fishers of Men,” 61% of believers today haven’t shared their faith in the past six months. And sadly, unlike Christ and the apostles who made discipleship the central focus of their ministries, 81% of pastors today have no regular discipleship programs in their churches. Discipleship is being neglected today, and the consequences are crippling. This book study hopes to change that!


Discipleship is a command for all believers and is our highest calling. This book provides biblical help for fulfilling this calling and seeks to discover what God says about genuine growth in Christ and provide practical help for attaining it. So, are you ready to grow? Would you like to be pleasing to God? Would you like to fulfill the reason for which you’ve been created? Would you like the full blessing of God in your life? If so, this study guide is for you.

182 Pages

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376 Pages

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400 Pages

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242 Pages

220 Pages

Selah Book Press

Pausing to Reflect on God

Selah Book Press

196 Hambrick Ave., Sutherlin, OR   97479

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