Christian Publishing for the Glory of God
About Selah Book Press
Selah Book Press Is a Ministry of Go Missions to Mexico Ministries
Go Missions to Mexico Ministries which is a Christ-centered, biblically based, non-denominational mission organization that has 22 years of experience in missionary service. It exists to incorporate short-term mission teams in the Great Commission of reaching the un-reached and strengthening churches and believers of Christ in Mexico.
Ministries of Go Missions to Mexico
Short-term Mission Team Ministry
Pastor and Leader Training
Seminar Ministry
Speaking Ministry
Pastoral Counsel & Support Ministry
Construction Projects
Church Planting
Pastor and Church Resource Library
Pastor and Leader Conferences
Book Publishing -
Holy Land Videos & Teachings -
Pastor/Leader Resources -
Author Page -
Logan & Bere (left), Letsy Angela & Mike Todd (center), Mirian & Joel (right), Jonathan & Jason (Joel & Miriam's children)
About Go Missions to Mexico Ministries
About Our Missionaries
Go Missions to Mexico has long-term resident missionaries who will serve alongside you during your time in Mexico. They will also help in answering any questions about taking a short-term mission trip to Mexico, registration, and scheduling. They have worked and studied hard to understand the language, culture, and history of Mexico. Their goal is to serve you, and the people of Mexico in a way that is effective and genuine. Currently, they have 22 years of experience in working with short-term mission teams and are in their 18th year as serving and living in Mexico as long-term missionaries.
Go Missions to Mexico’s missionaries are choice servants and have a very respected ministry in Mexico that is highly sought after by pastors and churches in the region where they serve. Please feel secure and confident of their capabilities in serving you.
Todd (Mike) Fink
Mike has 38 years of ministry experience both in the U.S. and in Mexico. During this time he has served as Youth Director, Campus Life Staff, AWANA Director, Sunday School Teacher, Youth Pastor (with a youth group totaling around 150 students), Associate Pastor (in a church of 600), Hispanic Outreach Pastor, Building Construction Chairman for the construction of two major church expansion projects, and as a missionary. He also has experience in the secular field in agriculture and construction. Currently, he is in his 19th year as a missionary in Mexico and is the founder of Go Missions to Mexico Ministries.
Mike received a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Freelandia Bible College, did Master of Divinity studies at Western Seminary, received a Master of Theology Degree from Freedom Bible College and Seminary, and received a Ph.D., Degree in Theology from Trinity Theological Seminary. As a lifelong learner, Mike is currently enrolled in a Master of Biblical Theology Degree at Trinity Theological Seminary.
Mike served as youth/associate pastor for 11 years at an evangelical church in Oregon, (1987-1998), and is currently serving as pastor and missionary with Go Missions to Mexico Ministries (1998-present). Mike is married to Letsy Fink and has four grown children and 5 grandchildren.
Letsy (Angela) Fink
Letsy has many years of ministry experience in both the U.S. and Mexico. She has served in many children's ministries, served with Mike (Todd), in youth ministry, and loves leading Vacation Bible School Outreaches in Mexico with short-term mission teams. We call her our VBS Queen.
Letsy grew up in a godly home and went to church in an evangelic, Bible believing church her whole life. She is currently working on a Bachelor of Theology Degree and delights in learning and growing in the Lord. She is the co-founder of Go Missions to Mexico and serves alongside Mike as a missionary in Mexico.
Joel Fink​
Co-Director/Base Manager
Joel moved to Mexico with his parents when he was 9 years old. He has grown up in Mexico and attended a local high school. It was there he met his high school sweetheart, Miriam, and later married. The culture of Mexico is second nature to Joel and his Spanish is flawless. He has been working with short-term mission teams for many years. Joel has many building skills, ministry skills, is the president of the youth association in the Open Door denomination, and is the youth pastor and music director at his home church in Mexico.
Joel received a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Freedom Bible College and Seminary and is currently working on a Master of Theology Degree from Trinity Bible College and Seminary. He is married and has two children.
Miriam Fink​
Miriam is from Mexico and married Joel Fink in 2009. She has been an incredible addition to the ministry team and loves the Lord. She enjoys working with children and short-term mission teams. She is a great mother and loves her family deeply.
Miriam received a Bachelor of Business Degree from a university in Guadalajara, Mexico and is currently working on a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Trinity Bible College and Seminary.
Mission Team Leader Testimonies​
Mission Team Leader Endorsement
Pastors/Professors Endorsements
Senior Pastor Endorsement
Mission Team Leader Endorsement
Mission Team Leader/Pastor's Wife Endorsement
High School Principal Endorsement
Policeman Endorsement
A Mother's Endorsement
Mission Team Leader Interview & Testimony
Logan Fink​
Logan moved to Mexico with his parents when he was about three months old. He has grown up in Mexico and feels very at home in the culture. His Spanish is excellent, he's outgoing, gregarious, and fun to be around. He has grown up working with short-term mission teams at a very young age and he's now a very competent leader. He's on the youth staff at his local church and teaches regurly in youth group.
Logan is currently working on a Bachelor of Theology Degree from Freedom Bible College and Seminary.
Philosophy of Ministry
We have discovered that short-term mission teams can play a vital role in fulfilling the Great Commission when linked up with long-term missionaries. Over our 22 years of mission experience with short-term mission teams, we have put together a multifaceted ministry schedule that produces genuine results. As a result, we are constantly asked by churches in Mexico if we can send them a mission team. We have developed this philosophy of ministry as a result of seeking advice from national pastors, from reading extensively about missiology, from our experience as missionaries, and from working with short-term mission teams. Over the years the pastors and churches in Mexico have grown to trust, respect and seek out our ministry. Our prayer is that God might touch your heart and that you'd come serve with us. We really need you! Our philosophy of ministry focuses on linking up short-term mission teams with specially chosen churches in Mexico. Through these churches, short-term mission teams do their ministries & outreaches. By strengthening and working through the local church, the fruit of a short-term mission team remains long after they're gone. This is our philosophy of ministry that ensures maximum fruit and impact. Our long-term missionaries will select the church you'll serve at and assist you during your stay in Mexico.
Pastors/Professors Testimonies
Mission Team Leader Endorsement
Youth Pastor Endorsement
Executive Pastor Endorsement
Family Mission Team Testimonies
Our History
In 1992, we were youth pastors at Family Church in Sutherlin, OR, and were encouraged to take our students on a mission trip to Mexico. After a couple years of investigating the options, we finally put the pieces together in 1994 to go on our first ever mission trip. We went to the Valley of San Quintin in Baja California, Mexico, which is located about 4 hours south of San Diego. What an experience it was!
At that time, we had been youth pastors for about five years and had done all we knew to build genuine growth and depth into our student's lives. However, nothing compared to the results our first mission trip yielded. As a result, we were hooked and from then on a mission trip for our students became an annual event we made a priority. One year our students came back from a mission trip so motivated that they said to themselves, “If we can do outreach in Mexico, why can’t we do it in our own area and among our own peers?” They were off and running and started a student outreach to their own peers on a weekday evening at our church. It was called, “Righteous Everlasting Truth.” Pretty powerful name! It grew to around 40-50 in weekly attendance and was completely student led. They’d share their testimonies, have Bible Studies, and etc. It lasted for several years until the main core graduated from high school and moved on.
Because these mission trips were so powerful and life-changing for our students, we began leading family mission trips for our adults and families of the church. Then we began leading a mission trip for our college age group as well. God was working mightily and we even began a Hispanic Outreach at our church. We also began holding pastor’s conferences in Mexico and built many relationships with pastors and churches which we retain to this day.
During these years of leading mission trips to Mexico, God gave us a deep passion for the people, the language and how we could serve Him in Mexico. Little did we know that God had a master plan for us and would eventually lead us to Mexico to serve as long-term missionaries. In the meantime, we led 2-3 mission trips to Mexico from 1994 to 1998. In December of 1997, the time came when the Lord clearly led us to establish a ministry in Mexico called, “Go Missions to Mexico”. In 1998 we began the process of establishing the ministry and building the mission base which is located on about 10 acres in the same San Quintin Valley of Mexico where we did our first mission trip. Today the mission base is quite large and beautiful and can accommodate 230 in beds and over 500 if camping is desired. It has 4 separate facility tracts so we can host at least 4 short term mission teams at a time.
We’re in our 19th year living and serving in Mexico and see ourselves here for the long haul. We serve around 150 churches in our area of Mexico and many of these churches ask us to send them a mission team. In many cases, we just don’t receive enough short term mission teams to be able to send a team to each church who asks. Our prayer is that God would touch the hearts of His people so they would come down and serve. In addition to our short-term mission ministry, we also hold pastor’s conferences, provide pastor and leader training seminars, preach at many churches, have a pastor and church loaning library, and provide counseling and help for pastors.
We rejoice in all God has done in our lives and ministry and give Him all the praise and glory! “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” 2 Cor. 4:7